Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Climate Investment Funds created by World Bank

This message came up today through ClimateWire by way of allAfrica.com:

The increasing frequency of droughts, floods, and catastrophic climatic events are already hitting the poorest communities the hardest.

And at a time of rising food prices, climate change creates more risks for the developing world's agriculture.

If we are to confront climate change we need to learn more about this as a development challenge. We need to find new approaches in several sectors ranging from agriculture, water management, transport , urban development, biodiversity to energy access. Read more.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Women Affected Dispropotionately by Climate Change

Ever considered how climate change affects women versus men?

Check out: http://www.oxfam.org.uk/get_involved/campaign/climate_change/sisters/index.html to view four short films showcasing 4 women and their individual struggles with climate change.

Interesting review of it on the Grist here.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Check Out Media Coverage on Climate Bill

Senate Democrats May Pull Climate Bill

Week's Debate Has Been Contentious

By Steven Mufson and Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, June 6, 2008; Page A02

If this week's Senate debate on a proposed cap-and-trade system for greenhouse gases was supposed to be a dress rehearsal for climate legislation, things are not looking too good for opening night.

The week has been marked by parliamentary maneuvers and bitter accusations over divergent estimates of the bill's future costs. On Wednesday, a group of GOP senators asked that...

To read the rest of the article, go to: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/06/05/AR2008060503603.html

Thursday, June 5, 2008


We've learned that an amendment has been offered by Senator Menendez (D-NJ) and co-sponsored by Senator Snowe (R-ME) to shift revenue generated by the bill to help the world's most impoverished communities deal with the devastating consequences of climate change. Those resources would come from auctioning greenhouse gas permits that would otherwise be given away free to major oil companies.

We need your help to make sure the amendment becomes part of the final bill. Please call your Senators Leahy & Sanders today and ask them to support the Menendez-Snowe Amendment to increase funding for the International Climate Change Adaptation and National Security Program.

To make it easier, we've written out four simple steps to make your call as effective as possible.

1. Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
2. Ask for one of your senator's offices.
3. Once connected, tell the person who answers that you are a constituent. Give him or her your name and address. Ask them to tell the senator the following: Please support the Menendez-Snowe amendment on "International Adaptation" to the Climate Security Act. Instead of giving away greenhouse gas permits for free to major oil companies, we should shift those permits to increase funding to help poor countries around the world adapt to climate change.
4. Once you are finished, hang up and repeat the instructions for your other senator.

Lastly, please let us know how it went!
Visit http://act.oxfamamerica.org/campaign/lwcall/w55u7ee92i7xxk7? and share what the senator's message is with Oxfam America so that our lobbyists can be in the loop!

Understanding the Boxer Amendment to the Climate Security Act (L-W)

Hi folks - here's the latest:

The Lieberman-Warner bill has been modified to include an Amendment drafted in conjunction by Senator Barbara Boxer. The amendments offers some advantages and some disadvantages to our goal of increasing funding for international adaptation.

Notes on Boxer Substitute Amendment

to the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act (S. 3036)

Allocation of Allowances

  • Approximately 68% of the allowances (1 allowance equals 1 ton of CO2 equivalent) are auctioned or distributed in 2012 to support a variety of programs (including low-income communities, states, localities and Indian tribes, recognition of early actors, efficiency programs and technologies and renewable energy technology and deployment, low-carbon electricity generation and advanced research, low-carbon coal technologies, low- to zero- emissions transportation technologies, programs that protect wildlife and natural resources in the US from climate impacts, international adaptation funding and international clean energy technology transfer).
  • Approximately 32% of the allowances in 2012 are given away for free to fossil-fuel producers and emitters.
100% of the allowances under a cap-and-trade program should be allocated for public benefit. In accordance with the “polluter pays principle,” no allowances should be given away for free to polluters.

International Adaptation

· The international adaptation provisions were revised from the committee mark of the bill to highlight community engagement and national level consultation; to clarify most vulnerable developing country eligibility; to identify broader national security concerns; and to make it possible for some funding to be channeled through a multilateral fund.

· The funding level is increased substantially over the lifetime of the bill, but cut somewhat below the level in the committee mark for the years 2012-2017.

· The estimated dollar amount generated by the auction of allowances for this purpose falls within a range depending on the average price of greenhouse gas allowances (emission permits): $580 million-$1.1 billion in 2012; $1.4-$2.9 billion in 2020; and $3.7-$7.5 billion in 2030.


We are pleased with the substantive changes made to the international adaptation program language from the committee mark of the bill. The percentage of adaptation funding should be increased in the early years of the program, 2012-2017, since poor communities are already being impacted by climate-related events. It’s also important to keep in mind the context of an estimated need of more than $80 billion in developing countries to adapt to climate impacts.