Tuesday, July 29, 2008

VT Oxfam Action Corps in the Bronx!

This weekend, Vermont Oxfam Action Corps co-leader, Nathaly Agosto Filión, traveled down to visit family in New York City and participated in the Bronx's very own annual Dominican Parade, la Gran Parada Dominicana, alongside the NYC Oxfam Action Corps co-leaders, Terry Lawson and Isaac Evans-Franz!

One highlight of participating in this event, was having the opportunity to greet and thank Congressman Charles Rangel, for being open and receptive to the Climate Equity Campaign through meetings with both his DC and NYC staff people.

Nathaly is from the Dominican Republic and was very proud to be able to stand up for Climate Justice in her hometown alongside the great organizers from New York City. She was also joined by her sister, Luz Maria Filión and nephew, Marcos Garcia.

The Dominican Republic, an island nation in the Caribbean, is especially at risk of being affected by the increased severe weather events such as the hurricanes and tropical storms. Hurricane season starts right about now so this event came right in time to help create a greater public awareness of the effects of climate change among Dominicans living in New York City.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Science & Development Network

I just signed up to receive weekly emails from SciDev.Net, the Science and Development Network. I've seen some of their published articles through UNEP's ClimateWire email blast and read another one I appreciated this:

Human rights a 'compass' for climate change policies

Katherine Nightingale

17 July 2008 | EN

Human rights can be a "compass" to guide research and policy development for climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, according to a report.

The International Council on Human Rights Policy (ICHRP) says climate change will threaten — directly or indirectly — almost all human rights, including the right to food, health and a livelihood. But they have received little attention on the policy stage so far. More>>

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Meeting: 7/9/08, 7PM, City Market

The next Vermont Oxfam Action Corps meeting will be held on:

@ 7pm
City Market Conference Room
check in at Front Desk for directions.

I loo
k forward to seeing some new faces! We will be discussing the G8 Summit and our new strategical positioning now that the senate is gearing up for the presidential elections!



Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How McCain & Obama differ regarding Climate policies

Hi all,

We all recognize the huge impact that comes into effect once the US adopts a strong (or weak) environmental policy. This article highlights a couple of the differences between Obama's climate change stance, which vows to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% of 1990 levels by 2050 (remember Step It Up? led by a group of student activists from VT's own Middlebury College) versus the 60% mark McCain hopes for.

Read more.

If we stop for a minute to consider how all-encompassing this sort of legislation will be, we will note that every small bit of work we do from little ol' Vermont to help advocate for the needs of the poorest communities all over the world has a profound impact. That certainly keeps me going! Let's continue to make sure that Bernie, Leahy, and Welch know we care!

Have a great Independence Day.
